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  • 5 Nov 2020 9:35 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Post-election Update-Congresswoman Robin Kelly addresses COVID 19: The Legislative Response: How Do Disparately Impacted Communities Recover? at the State of Health of Chicago on November 10th. 

    This virtual session is hosted by the Institute of Medicine of Chicago.

    In early fall, the U.S. House Passed Bipartisan Helping MOMS Act Introduced by Congresswoman Robin Kelly. The MOMS Act legislation aimed at reducing and ending America’s growing maternal mortality crisis. She will address this crisis and other challenges and how our government is responding and looking ahead. 

    Congresswoman Kelly is committed to improving the health and wellness of vulnerable communities across the country.  She serves as the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust, and Co-Chairs the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls. She also Co-Chairs the House Democratic Policy Group and House Tech Accountability Caucus. 

    State of Health of Chicago
    Nov.10, 2020
    11:45 AM - 12:45 PM CT
    Open to All - Register here. 


  • 14 Oct 2020 5:25 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Institute of Medicine of Chicago Launches

               State of Health of Chicago



    Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Time of a Pandemic:


    CHICAGO—Through June 2021, the Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC) will host over 15 interactive virtual learning sessions during the "State of Health of Chicago 2020-2021 (SOHOC)." In its 105th year, IOMC announces the theme for 2020-2021 Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Time of a Pandemic: WE CAN DO BETTER. The focus is on the extreme socioeconomic challenges, population health, community health, and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis we face in Cook County, collar counties, in Illinois, and globally. All are welcome-no cost. The Grand Convening is on Fri., Oct. 23, 2020 with several post-election sessions through 2021.

     “SOHOC is designed into two phases, pre-election and post-election, to acknowledge the implications of upcoming elections. The imagined successful life is in jeopardy. We want to change that so that all thrive," stated IOMC President Cheryl Rucker-Whitaker, MD, MPH, FACP, Chief Executive Officer of NextLevel Health. 

    Illinois has over 310,000 COVID-19 cases with many in vulnerable communities (ILDPH ). We must transform how our wellbeing is impacted by this virus. IOMC will evaluate how the State of Illinois and its agencies are doing, and provide a constructive report card before and after the presidential election.

    For the full schedule of the pre-election Grand Convening on Oct. 23rd and post-election programs, visit here.

    Our distinguished speakers include State of Illinois Director of Public HealthNgozi Ezike, MD; Helene Gayle, MD, CEO of The Chicago Community Trust, and speakers from University of Chicago Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Sinai Medical Center, Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans, Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Aunt Martha’s Health and Wellness, WBEZ Radio, and NextLevel Health.

    We would like to thank our sponsors  The Portes Foundation, Michael Reese Research & Education Foundation, Hektoen Institute, Washington Square Health Foundation, and NextLevel Health.  

    We can do better. We need systemic change, and as leaders, we must create actions for change. SOHOC 2020 will expand our insight and pathways for action.


    ­­­About IOMC

    The Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC) is an independent organization of distinguished leaders in the health field who collaborate to improve the health of the public. Drawing upon the expertise of a diverse membership and other regional leaders, the IOMC addresses critical health issues through a range of interdisciplinary approaches including education, research, communication of trusted information, and community engagement. Visit www.iomc.org.


  • 18 Sep 2020 11:01 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Virtual Convening

    Chicago—From September 2020 through June 2021, the Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC) will host fully online virtual learning sessions to promote the "State of Health of Chicago 2020-2021 (SOHOC)." In its 105th year, IOMC announces the theme for 2020-2021 Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Time of a Pandemic: WE CAN DO BETTER. The focus is on the extreme socioeconomic challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis we face in Cook County, surrounding collar counties, the State of Illinois, and global conditions today. All are welcome—complimentary admissionno fee to attend event or sessions.


    The Grand Convening, Fri., Oct. 23, 2020, starts with a series of virtual sessions in the weeks preceding the signature event and following the election. The full year-long series leads to creating a set of actions for systemic change speaking directly to the inequity of access to healthcare, and promoting wellbeing for all people, including people of color, the elderly, and the vulnerable in Cook County and surrounding collar counties.  

    “Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Time of a Pandemic : WE CAN DO BETTER” approach launches IOMC's learning forums to unlock new ways of thinking about gaps in care in Cook County and its collar counties. We have designed our virtual sessions into two phases, pre-election and post-election, to emphasize the acuity needed today.

    "The early concept of this learning series and Grand Convening is based on the immense challenges individuals, families, and communities face living in Chicago, Cook County, and collar counties pre and now in a pandemic. The imagined successful life is fleeting for many people or canceled now. We want to change it and thrive," stated IOMC President Cheryl Rucker-Whitaker, MD, MPH, FACP, formerly Chief Executive Officer of NextLevel Health. 

    With 112 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people and varying positivity rates in Cook County and several already vulnerable Illinois communities (ILDPH ), we are at risk. The State of Illinois has 259,000 reported cases and the numbers are growing (9.11.2020). We must identify our needs and transform how our wellbeing is impacted by this pandemic and attend to structural barriers and systemic change without delay.  

    IOMC has designed over fifteen (15) virtual sessions addressing the Social Determinants of Health (SODOH), racism, COVID-19, and the impact on the new realities of how we live today.  We will evaluate how the State of Illinois and its agencies are doing, and provide a constructive report card before and after the November presidential election as part of SOHOC 2020-2021. 


    Our SOHOC 2020 virtual sessions include: 

    September 25, 2020 

    Pre-Election Focus Group – Collaboration for Systemic Change (Foundations, Funders, & Investors)

    Sponsored by the Portes Foundation and the Michael Reese Education and Research Foundation

    October 8, 2020 SOHOC 2020 Kick-off Plenary Virtual Sessions

    Pre-Election NO Wealth-NO Health: Where Do We Go From Here? Understanding the Wealth Gap Helps Us Better Understand SDOH and Health Disparities

    Grand Convening October 23, 2020

    Pre-Election Opening Plenary—State of COVID-19 in Illinois: State Director of Public Health

    Pre-Election The Importance of Integrated Care in the COVID‐19 Environment 

    Pre-Election Maternal Morbidity and Mortality and COVID-19: Managing Worsening Disparities

    Pre-Election  Immunization Strategy and COVID-19: What Do We Know Now?

    Pre-Election  Well-Being Trust Initiative Status Report

    Pre-Election  Response Panel

    Pre-Election  After Party-Networking

    December 4, 2020

    Post-Election Healthcare and the Next Four Years: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Exchange

    Invited: Senator Dick Durbin 

    Post-Election What Needs to Change? COVID 19: The Legislative Response: How Do Disparately Impacted Communities Recover?

    Invited: Congresswoman Robin Kelly

    December 10, 2020 Holiday Event

    Virtual Holiday Event 2020 in review: Progress Made to Closing the Health Equity Gap: Successes  & Lessons Learned

    SOHOC 2021 Virtual Sessions

    Post‐Election Implicit Bias-Recognition, Impact, and Training to Close the Health Equity Gap

    Post‐Election From Fee for Service to Managed Medicaid: The Promise of Care Coordination For Children in  Foster Care

    Post‐Election The Prison Industrial Complex & Impact on Community Stability in Chicago

    Post‐Election Racial Inequity in Healthcare

    A diverse set of thought leaders and speakers will boldly challenge our current system since our old ways and thinking do not work in our community. We need to make systemic changes to build stronger, safer, accessible communities for all. By addressing the social determinants of health and committing to health goals, we can reduce health inequity, racism, and worsening disparities. Our system was imperfect before, and now there is greater urgency to develop actions to change it. We are failing with the burden of COVID-19.  

    We are pleased Madhura Mansabdar, MD, MMM, FACP, CPE, Chief Clinical Integration Medical Officer, MidMichigan Health; and Soma Stout, MD, MS, Executive External Lead for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Cambridge, Massachusetts are speakers in the fall of 2020. Also joining us are Dr. Helene Gayle, CEO of The Chicago Community Trust; Professor Greg Fairchild, University of Virginia-Business Darden School and other notable leaders are speakers at SOHOC 2020. 

    IOMC involves many disciplines and professions involved in community health and health care delivery—physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, social workers, public health specialists, researchers, community advocates, lawyers, hospital leaders, health insurance and for-profit health industry leaders. All who play a role in the transforming healthcare field and Cook County, collar counties, and our great State.    

    Your participation is necessary to create change. From our focus groups, speakers, and our attendees' involvement, we will define a set of actions to change barriers and thinking for the people of Cook County and the collar counties at the closing of the Grand Convening SOHOC 2020.  

    Let us take this epic moment in history with the COVID-19 pandemic and intentionally address equity and wellbeing for all. It is evident that conditions where people live, work, play, and learn have a significant role in our wellbeing, health, and response to pandemics such as COVID-19. 

    A sustained, successful life is within our grasp if we work together and create systemic change. 

    We can do better. We cannot stand by as observers only and hope wishful thinking will make it better. We need systemic change, and as leaders, we must create actions for change. Our efforts should build opportunities for all, create safe environments, and promote wellbeing and health.  

    For information on Sponsorships, contact us at 312.310.7353. 

    About IOMC

    The Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC) is an independent organization of distinguished leaders in the health field who collaborate to improve the health of the public. Drawing upon the expertise of a diverse membership and other regional leaders, the IOMC addresses critical health issues through a range of interdisciplinary approaches including education, research, communication of trusted information, and community engagement. With the health of the public at its core, IOMC is building new programs and services to better meet the needs of its members and the Chicagoland community. Visit www.iomc.org.

  • 29 Aug 2020 2:58 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    By Invitation Only 

    Philanthropic and health system agencies, corporations, city, county and state stakeholders

    Sept. 25, 2020 | 9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. CT | Virtual Meeting

    On behalf of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC), we want to personally thank you for your interest and commitment to making the Cook and collar counties a welcoming community for all. In these uncertain times, all of us need to leverage opportunities to make our future better. We invite you to join us in convening thought leaders to forcefully confront the economic and racial inequities that people of color have for far too long experienced on September 25, 2020 at 9 AM to Noon.

    The Focus Group is the first series of virtual meetings leading up to an October 23, 2020 State of Health of Chicago. Their participation is requested on Friday, September 25, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. This gathering is aimed to garner your needs as a philanthropic and health system agencies, corporations, city, county and state stakeholders. 


    These are challenging times for our city and the country. The impact of the virus on the everyday lives of individuals, communities, and particularly people of color is devastating and unprecedented. The economic consequences have been catastrophic with the increasing rise in homelessness, missed rent, unpaid bills, foregoing medical care, lack of food—the list goes on.

    The public call for action against systematic racism has added urgency and clarity, requiring decisive and bold action. A neutral convener is needed to ask uncomfortable questions and gather experiences that met or failed to reach those at risk regarding COVID-19 or future pandemics.  

    For more details, visit here.


    Cheryl Rucker-Whitaker, MD, MPH, President and Chair, Institute of Medicine of Chicago

    AJ Wilhelmi, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Hospital Association

    Raul Garza, Vice-President, Chief Executive Officer, Aunt Martha’s Health and Wellness

    Cheryl Larson, Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH)

     and Jason Parrot, President of the Board of MBGH and Vice President, Boeing Senior   Manager   Global Healthcare & Well Being Strategy

    Howard Nochumson, Executive Director, Washington Square Health Foundation

    This opportunity is funded by the Portes/Michael Reese Education and Research Trust Foundations

  • 18 Aug 2020 2:06 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    By Invitation Only 

    Sept. 4, 2020 | 9:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M. CT | Virtual Meeting

    On behalf of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC), we want to personally thank you for your interest and commitment to making the Cook and collar counties a welcoming community for all. In these uncertain times, all of us need to leverage opportunities to make our future better. We invite you to join us in convening thought leaders to forcefully confront the economic and racial inequities that people of color have for far too long experienced. 

    This is the first series of virtual meetings leading up to an October 23, 2020 State of Health of Chicago. Participants will meet on Friday, September 4, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. meeting. This is the first of two focus groups aimed to garner your needs as a coalition, funder for not-for-profit, or data gatherer and analyst. 


    These are challenging times for our city and the country. The impact of the virus on the everyday lives of individuals, communities, and particularly people of color is devastating and unprecedented. The economic consequences have been catastrophic with the increasing rise in homelessness, missed rent, unpaid bills, foregoing medical care, lack of food—the list goes on.

    The public call for action against systematic racism has added urgency and clarity, requiring decisive and bold action. A neutral convener is needed to ask uncomfortable questions and gather experiences that met or failed to reach those at risk regarding COVID-19 or future pandemics.  


    The Institute of Medicine Chicago (IOMC) has and continues to have a long-standing interest in and a commitment to addressing the health inequities and disparities that exist in our region. IOMC, over the past two years, has examined ways in which social determinants of health (SDOH) are addressed in various communities; what interventions have made a difference; and, what could possibly be launched in the Cook and collar counties to address these root causes.  

    We propose gathering the community and thought leaders to explore tough questions regarding the root causes of economic and racial inequalities and to explore what can be done to improve the efforts currently underway which would, if implemented, make a difference in the wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities during the current pandemics (COVID-19 and mental health) and future pandemics.

    For more information, visit here.


    Cheryl Rucker-Whitaker, MD, MPH, President and Chair, Institute of Medicine of Chicago

    AJ Wilhelmi, President & CEO, Illinois Health and Hospital Association

    Raul Garza, Vice-President, Chief Executive Officer, Aunt Martha’s Health and Wellness

    Cheryl Larson, Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH) & Jason Parrot, President of the Board of MBGH and Vice President, Boeing Senior Manager Global   Healthcare & Well Being Strategy

    Howard Nochumson, Executive Director, Washington Square Health Foundation

    This opportunity is funded by the Portes/Michael Reese Education and Research Trust Foundations. 

    If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Irmiter, PhD, Executive Director, IOMC at infostaff@iomc.org.

  • 28 Jul 2020 10:13 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Join this upcoming webinar 'Aligning Population and Community Health To Advance Health Equity: Rush’s Response to COVID-19,' co-hosted by our Center for Health and Social Care Integration and the Illinois Health & Hospital Association on Wednesday August 12 (11am-12pm). Details and registration info here.


  • 14 Jul 2020 1:59 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    CHICAGO — Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot today released the advisory report compiled by the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, which was established in April to advise city government as recovery planning efforts were underway amidst COVID-19. The Task Force was co-chaired by Mayor Lightfoot and former White House Chief of Staff Samuel Skinner and involved a group of more than 200 industry experts, regional government leaders, community-based partners, and policymakers. Over the past ten weeks, the Task Force members assembled a change study and an advisory report to provide critical insights to help Mayor Lightfoot as her administration works to balance a robust health response with a strategic economic and social response that addresses the unique challenges presented by COVID-19 – many of which underscore the challenges the city faces in the form of structural inequities.  

    “I am deeply grateful for the hard work of the Recovery Task Force, and their commitment to doubling down on our mission of building a better Chicago that ends economic hardship, confronts racial inequities and unites all of the City’s residents,” said Mayor Lightfoot. "With their invaluable contributions we will transform the COVID-19 crisis into the once-in-a-generation opportunity that it presents to eliminate the deep, glaring chasms of inequity it has brought to the surface. While we don't know when this crisis will end, we do know that our recovery from it will not be reached with any short cuts or half measures."

    The Task Force developed a set of 17 recommendations and four existing initiatives to advance a targeted set of outcomes for Chicago. More>

  • 8 Jul 2020 10:27 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Researchers are developing models for more targeted closings (and reopenings) that would curb the spread of infection at a less severe economic cost.

    As COVID-19 cases took off in New York in March, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo imposed a lockdown of nonessential businesses to slow the spread of the coronavirus, calling it “the most drastic action we can take.”  

    Now researchers say more targeted approaches — in New York and elsewhere — might have protected public health with less economic pain.

    Read more about this issue in the New York Times article here.


  • 8 Jul 2020 10:27 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Reducing microaggressions and promoting interracial connection: The racial harmony workshop

    by Monnica T. Williams, Jonathan W. Kanterc, Adriana Peñad, Terence H.W. Chingb, Linda Oshinb.

    Dr. Monnica Williams has published over 100 academic papers, which includes peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, editorials, commentaries, and scientific reports. This page contains most of Dr. Williams' publications which have appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals and edited volumes. It also includes some recent technical reports and commentaries. Where available, these can be downloaded as PDFs.

    These works have an emphasis on psychopathology and cultural experiences. Among the journal articles and chapters are included papers focused on multiple ethnic groups (36), Black Americans (33), primarily White samples (19), Black/White differences (11), Hispanic Americans (5), and Asian groups (3). Seventy-one papers are empirical, with over three-quarters of these using data collected by Dr. Williams and her lab. Primary topics include OCD and related disorders (60), trauma (22), anxiety (19), substance use (10), and depression (7). She also has written 4 books, the most recent of which is focused on microaggressions in clinical care

    Other articles and publications More>


  • 8 Jul 2020 10:25 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are left to wonder about the impact it will have on our health care system and our wellbeing. It can be difficult to predict our future. Our World of Data provides an context to look as we attempt to manage during this pandemic crisis. More

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