Over the years, the IOMC has evolved to an interdisciplinary group of professionals dedicated to improving public, population, and community health. We have expanded to reflect the many disciplines and professions involved in health care delivery—nurses, dentists, physicians, pharmacists, lawyers, hospital leaders, health insurance, academics, and for-profit health industry leaders—all who play a role in the transforming the public and healthcare field.
By joining the IOMC, you are a member of a richly diverse group of professionals with varying experiences, education and achievements, yet all with a desire to work toward positive change in public, population, and community health.
Two options are available to apply to become a Fellow - 1) A current Fellow of IOMC can nominate a potential Fellow(applicant/nominee) or 2) you may self-nominate and include references for consideration in the nomination process.
The online nomination form (see link below) depicts the steps and guides all nominations through the process.
Nomination Process: IOMC is an honorific membership organization. Upon receipt of the applicants information,( application and curriculum vitae), the IOMC Membership Committee will review the candidate based on the individual's work at a local or national level that impacts one or more of the following areas:
Nominators should highlight the significant contributions made to as many areas listed above and how the member/fellow would contribute to the mission and vision of IOMC.
If the nominee meets the expectations of IOMC, the Membership Committee recommends approval of qualified applicants to the Board of Governors for final approval.
The nominee is notified of Board of Governors decision after the reviewing the on-line application, curriculum vitae and reference check.
The nomination review process is about eight-ten weeks.
Fellow serves on committee/s, work groups or other activities approved by the Board. Fellows are graduates from healthcare programs or distinguished persons engaged in allied professions. Fellows have professional contributions that are meritorious, are recognized leaders, have demonstrated an active interest in the health of the community, manifest the highest ethics, standards, and principles of professionalism, and possess those professional and personal attributes which make the individual desirable for Fellowship in the Institute.
Benefits of Joining IOMC as a Fellow:
Dues: $200.00 per year
Billings Society Fellow serves as a leader within IOMC and receive recognition at IOMC programs and publications. Billings Society Fellows are active leaders and ambassadors of IOMC.
Benefits to Billings Society Fellow:
Dues: $375.00 per year
Nomination Form Renew as Billings Society Fellow
Associate Fellow may request to join IOMC without a nomination or sponsor by completing an application and submitting to IOMC for consideration.
The Membership Committee will review all applicants for Associate Fellow and if approved, will move the application to the Board of Governors for final approval. The number of Associate Fellows is managed by the association and based on the number of Fellows to maintain a ratio of Fellows and Billings Fellows to Associate Fellows.*
Once approved, the Associate Fellow should/will be provided with IOMC Fellow mentor(s) to suggest and monitor their progress.
A three to five year process which incorporates the membership committee in reviewing the Member's year achievements in their:
Associate Fellows will be advised by specifically designated fellows as to the route by which they attain Fellowship. Although, in general, Associate Fellow members are expected to achieve Fellow status within 3-5 years member status may continue if so desired without the need to progress to Fellow.
Dues: $95.00 per year
For more information, view our criteria and other details here.
Questions? Contact the IOMC Office at