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 Youth Mental Health - Identification and Access to Care

  (3.8.2024) 60 minutes

 Health Equity in Organized Medicine 


  The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) in Public Health & the Status of 

  Public Health Funding & Infrastructure in 2024


  Opioid Use Disorder and Medication-Assisted Recovery


Patient Safety Issues- Who is Keeping an Eye on Them? 


   Resistance to Childhood Vaccines-Is This a Rising Public Health Issue? 


Advancing Maternal Health and Child-New Workgroup- Prioritizing Issues & Action Plan 


Chicago Family Health Center & the Thrive Exchange Revitalization South Shore Project (1.2023)

Environmental Justice and Emissions Standards: The Role of HIA and EIA Analyses


Childhood Lead Poisoning in the Chicago Area - LARC and EPA Region 5 


Discovering Your Super Powers- ACHIEVE - Career and Networking


Systematic Issues Impacting Chronic Kidney Disease Preventing Health Equity


Building Networks to Solve Critical Nursing Workforce Needs in Chicago 


Leveraging Power of Research to Improve Community Health & Wellness


Addressing Health Equity through Community Engagement: Education, Outreach & Partnerships (4.2022)

Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned from the IP Culture and Community


Homelessness is a Public Health Issue


Mental Health During the COVID Pandemic - A Status Report


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More  program information can be found on these videos by visiting Programs and the program page here. 

 More videos...

Visit the State of Health of Chicago convening and its 20 videos here.

View the special series with Rosalind Franklin University and obtain the PPT's  here


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