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  • 19 Oct 2018 4:19 PM | Anonymous
    Congratulations to our President-Elect Carlotta Rinke, MD for her American College of Physicians (ACP) Laureate award. ACP is the largest medical-specialty society in the world. It's members share their knowledge to advance the science and practice of internal medicine. Dr. Rink currently works for Aetna in developing accountable care organizations by bringing better patient experience at a lower cost for a magnitude of individuals. What a great accomplishment, congratulations!


    Dr. Rink will receive the award at the 2018 Illinois Internal Medicine Meeting and the Story Slam. It will take place before the dinner at 5:30PM on Friday, November 9th.

    Join us in congratulating Dr. Rinke by writing a note to her in the comment section!


  • 6 Oct 2018 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    Join the Institute of Medicine of Chicago on Saturday, October 6th at 8am at Soldier Field. We’re looking forward to rocking Soldier Field with you at the Shatterproof Rise Up Against Addiction 5K Walk/Run in Chicago.

    Let's show Metropolitan Chicago how healthcare industry leaders, co-workers, family and friends feel about illnesses such as additions and mental illness.

    WEAR YOUR UNIFORM (white coat, stethoscope, scrubs, work clothes, etc.) AND WALK/RUN TO SHOW OUR MOTIVE TO IMPACT THESE ISSUES!

    It is not to late to show that IOMC and health industry leaders have a voice in Chicago about this epidemic. Ask family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to join you in transforming the way addiction is treated in America. Register here  join team: Institute of Medicine of Chicago. Cost is $30. You do not have to raise money to run, unless you want to do so.

    Or donate to Shatterproof by going to: Team IOMC!

  • 12 Jun 2018 12:35 PM | Anonymous

    The Portes Foundation, in association with The Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC), is soliciting proposals for research projects in health promotion, and disease prevention. Please share this letter with colleagues who may be interested.

    Historically, the Portes Foundation has funded grants in the range of $25,000 to $50,000.  Grants are awarded for one year projects. The principal investigator must be a MD, DO, or PhD, have an appointment at a medical school, other health science schools or colleges, or a medical school affiliated hospital or group practice. 

    We invite proposals that explore research or implementation ideas important in health promotion and disease prevention. These projects may be investigative in etiologic factors, preventive measures, primary and secondary prevention screening, and education. Projects in patient education or health professions education will also be considered. All projects must include a complete and thorough evaluation component.

    All proposals will be peer-reviewed by a scientific committee of The Portes Foundation and the IOMC. The first phase of this process is a Letter of Intent, which should not exceed three pages. It should concisely describe the purpose and rationale of the study, its expected outcome, as well as the basic methods that will be used for evaluating the success of the project.

    The letter of intent must be submitted electronically to
    iomcstaff@iomc.org by August 1, 2018. In September, letter of interest (LOI) submitters will be notified of the initial determination and, if applicable, a complete formal proposal will be requested. Acceptance of the LOI only means that the Portes Foundation and IOMC consider the concept within their mission and are now interested in evaluating a complete proposal.

    Sincerely yours.

     L. J. Sandlow, MD
     Chair, Portes Foundation Grant Committee


  • 17 May 2018 4:06 PM | Anonymous

    A past IOMC Fellow provided a very generous gift in April. We are appreciative of his/her commitment and dedication to IOMC.  During this transformative year, these funds will support our new and exciting work for the health of Chicago and our suburban residents. 

    THANK YOU!!!

  • 19 Apr 2018 10:47 AM | Anonymous
    Local healthcare and non-profit organizations, and Institute of Medicine of Chicago Fellows, please consider  nominating your colleague, mentor, or peer for the following IOMC Awards:

    • The IOMC Award for Public Service
    • The IOMC Humanitarian Global Health Award
    • The Portes/IOMC Award for Excellence in Prevention of Disease
    • Innovation in Health Care/Delivery
    • Lifetime Achievement Award

    Nominations are due May 13, 2018. Awards will be presented at the IOMC Annual Meeting held June 7, 2018, in Chicago, time and place will be disclosed soon.

    Please click on the application form below to review the criteria for each award and submit the appropriate material.  Applications can be sent to: 



    Institute of Medicine of Chicago

    180 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1200

    Chicago, Illinois 60601

    Application Form

    Call Cheryl Irmiter, PhD, Executive Director,  312.709.2685, if you have any questions.

  • 29 Mar 2018 4:10 PM | Anonymous

    Spring has sprung and IOMC is eager to celebrate healthcare professionals of the year at our June 7, 2018 Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration. Additional awards will be announced April 5, 2018.

    The Institute of Medicine & Rush University Medical Center

    Are Pleased to Announce

    The Henry P. Russe Citation for Exemplary Compassion in Healthcare

    HENRY P. RUSSE, MD (February 12, 1928-May 10, 1991) served as Dean of Rush Medical College at Rush University Medical Center and served five terms as President of The Institute of Medicine of Chicago during an extraordinary decade of personal and professional commitment to the advancement of medicine.  To recognize his contributions, the Trustees of Rush University Medical Center and The Institute of Medicine of Chicago have established the Henry P. Russe, MD Citation for Exemplary Compassion in Healthcare.  This ongoing award demonstrates, as Dr. Russe exemplified, that humanitarianism must characterize the practice of medicine and medical education beyond the science, technology and personal skillfulness essential in caring for the health of our fellow citizens.

    Qualified nominees are healthcare professionals who deserve recognition for and project qualities of humanitarianism, including altruism, sincerity, respect and compassion, which are integrated in his/her professional, personal and civic life through sustained progressive relationships with patients and their families.  Candidates should be identified as a bona fide member of the community of caregivers and have a proven record of integrity and honesty. 

    The nominee(s) must be a product of Chicago, i.e., must have some past and/or present identification with the Chicago region.  Nominees may come from a variety of healthcare occupations and disciplines.  You are encouraged to consider the broadest range of candidates including physicians, nurses, scientists, administrators, social service workers, clergy, leaders in governmental agencies and advocacy groups, etc.  They can be involved in any humanitarian allied health care pursuit or social service.

    Please download the form below, review, complete and return it to imocstaff@iomc.org by 4/13/18.

    Award Announcements will be informed in mid-May and awarded at the June 7th Dinner and Awards Celebration.

    RusseNominationSolicitationForm 2018.pdf

  • 29 Mar 2018 1:00 PM | Anonymous

    Margaret Mitchell Hastings

    February 26, 1937-December 25, 2017

    Memorial Celebration:         Saturday April 7, 2018 at 11am

                                                   Winnetka Congregational Church

                                                           725 Pine St. Winnetka, Illinois 60093

                                                           Phone (847) 4441-3400

    Margaret ‘Pat‘ Mitchell Hastings left this life on Christmas Day 2017 surrounded by family She Fought challenges to her health for over a decade with the same dedication put into everything in her life.

    Born February 26, 1937 in Delaware County, PA, Margaret received her Bachelors of Music from Wellesley College in 1958. Master’s in Education from national Louis University in 1972, and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Northwestern University in 1975.

    Margaret dedicated her life to the study of developmental disabilities, mental health, and aging, impacting innumerable members of her community and country with her efforts in education, social work, public policy legislation, and aging. She was well known by all with whom she worked as a thought leader who inspired others with her innovative and forward thinking solutions.

    Dr. Hastings was a valuable member of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago. 

    We thank her for her service and contribution to the health of Chicago.

  • 22 Feb 2018 9:47 AM | Deborah

    The Portes Foundation, in association with The Institute of Medicine of Chicago (IOMC), would like to thank all those who submitted proposals in 2017.

    Full proposals were very impressive and congratulations to all. The Portes Foundation decided to award to:

    Samual Dorevitch, MD, MPH, Associate Professor

    University of Illinois School of Public Health

    Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

    The project is Solar Powered Drinking Water Disinfection to prevent diarrhea in children in Western Kenya. 


    We look forward to 2018's opportunities and the outcomes of this opportunity.

  • 28 Dec 2017 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    IOMC has a new address:

    180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1200

    Chicago, Illinois 60601

  • 5 Sep 2017 10:40 PM | Anonymous

    Many thanks to the State of the Health of Chicago sponsors and supporters:



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