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  • 18 Apr 2023 7:37 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    ICAAP's Collaborative on Child Homelessness – Illinois (COCHI) Quarterly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 19 from 1-2pm. The guest speakers are from Building Changes to discuss their Perinatal Housing Diversion Project

    Register . 

    Building Changes Guest Speakers: Kalyn Yasutake, MPH, Director of Research and Evaluation and Megan Veith, JD, Director of Policy and Advocacy

    Building Changes' mission is to advance equitable responses to homelessness in Washington State with a focus on children, youth, and families and the systems that serve them. Kalyn and Megan will be discussing the work Building Changes has done on integrating Diversion housing services into Maternity Support Services (MSS) and Infant Case Management (ICM). This model strives to bring housing services to those who are pregnant or post-partum where they are already receiving their health services. By creating better access and having more pregnant and post-partum people and families stably housed, we can expect better outcomes for the client and family overall.


  • 17 Apr 2023 2:20 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Seventy human services providers in Illinois will receive more than $14 million in state funding for facility upgrades and accessibility, officials announced Friday. [Health News Illinois]

    The state's human services and commerce agencies are distributing the funds. They are the first grants awarded as part of a program announced last fall.

    “(Friday’s) awards demonstrate our commitment to building up the community-based organizations that are making a difference every day for communities in need,” Department of Human Services Secretary Grace Hou said in a statement.

    Funds will head to providers in 24 counties, with nearly $6.5 million to 31 groups in Cook County.

    See the full list of recipients here.


  • 14 Apr 2023 9:00 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Recently, two major news stories in the technology world broke out. The first one was about a call by big names in the technology sector to pause the development of artificial intelligence. The second was about the use of large language models, or LLMs, in health care. That followed a recent interview with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who revealed that ChatGPT and other applications based on LLMs will allow us to “have medical advice for everybody.” [Chicago Tribune] 

    Some technology leaders are calling for pausing AI development altogether while another suggests that we should integrate AI into one of the most vital sectors of the society: namely, health care.

    If this seems confusing, it is — because both ideas are radical and can be seen as the opposite ends of a spectrum regarding technology. But I think we can find a middle ground.

    The idea of pausing the development of technology indicates misconceptions about how science and technology evolve. Technological developments arise organically when a combination of social demands, enthusiastic investors and a vision for harnessing innovation are present. Investments can be loosely supervised, but the other two factors cannot be paused. Indeed, pausing is not only unfeasible, but it also is dangerous because it deters transparent development and communication about recent improvements.

    Technology is like an unstoppable train that runs on tracks we’ve laid. To minimize risks of harm, it is essential to be proactive and strategically guide technology development by steering it away from areas with high potential for harm and direct it toward small-scale experiments.

    Let’s take health care, for instance. Pausing AI development completely would mean losing out on potential benefits that time-strapped clinicians could use to improve care. For instance, clinicians might one day use LLMs to write letters to insurance companies and investigate medical notes for tracing liabilities.

    That said, as an ethics expert, I cannot ignore my responsibility to warn society about the risks and trade-offs of a hurried approach regarding the integration of LLMs in health care. These efforts could pave the path to collecting patients’ health data, which might include medical notes, test results and all kinds of information.

    Thanks to OpenAI’s newly released GPT4, which can understand and analyze images, in addition to text, scans and X-rays could be among the collected health data. Data collection efforts often start with offering applications that facilitate efficiency. For example, analyzing notes to summarize a patient’s history, which could be a major help for overworked clinicians, could be the pretext needed to collect a patient’s historical data.

    So what is the middle ground?

    Whether we like it or not, vital sectors including health care use technologies that collect our data. While we are not even remotely prepared for the integration of LLMs in health care, pausing their development is not the solution. Like other technologies, LLMs will eventually be integrated into sectors like health care, and so small-scale experiments open up space for reflection and evaluation of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Furthermore, experimenting with LLMs allows their developers to collate and address concerns around privacy, data security, accuracy, biases and accountabilities, among others.

    Ethical issues aside, incorporating LLMs into existing health care systems — while also navigating legal issues — is not only extremely challenging, but it also takes time and requires implementation instead of pausing to explore potential legal obstacles. The medical landscape is heavily regulated and has all kinds of checks and balances to protect patients, clinicians, health care providers and wider society.

    In some now-hypothetical scenarios involving AI — for example, drawing wrong conclusions from available data, misleading or interfering with the diagnosis, sharing health data with third parties — our legal systems and the notion of liabilities could be pushed to their limits because they were not designed to deal with these challenges and thus are not ready for such an enormous shift.

    In the case of loosely regulated data — similar to a web browser’s cookies that keep revealing information about us — we don’t know what information can be collected and transferred by LLMs. We have yet to learn about the purposes for which our data could be analyzed, where it will be stored, who will have access, how well it will be protected and so many other unknowns. While pausing is not helping any of these, a cursory adoption could be catastrophic.

    So the middle ground involves cautious experimentation with small-scale LLMs and evaluating their performance, while observing what their developers will do with our information and trust.

    Instead of pausing AI, we should collectively negotiate with AI developers, demanding good faith and transparency to ensure that technology will not make us vulnerable in the future.

    Mohammad Hosseini, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral scholar in the preventive medicine department at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, a member of the Global Young Academy and an associate editor of the journal Accountability in Research.


  • 13 Apr 2023 4:08 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    This West Garfield Park project has the key factors that the jurors loved as they awarded it the $10M Chicago Prize from the Pritzker Traubert Foundation. In early January 2023, the Garfield Park Rite to Wellness Collaborative was awarded the prize for this remarkable project - a walkable village- Sankofa Wellness Village. The name Sankofa is a term from West Africa meaning to go back for what has been lost. The development will bring back essential services to the community. 

    The development includes a wellness center, clinic, grocery stores, art center and more.

    Join us on April 25th at 4:30 PM CT to learn more about the project.  When completed, the project will alleviate missing behavioral health services, and maternal health and child services in the area. 

    For more detail and to register, visit this page. 


  • 12 Apr 2023 5:21 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    The Institute of Medicine of Chicago will hold a joint program and panel discussion on ‘Integrating and Building Lives – From Homelessness to Self-Sufficiency’ on April 20, 2023, from 8:00 AM-10:00 AM CT at A Safe Haven Foundation. Six organizations are addressing the pathways and a call to action of the homeless and defining supportive and sustainable measures to self-sufficiency again. Pre-registration is preferred- limited seating. More details and to register> 

    Some call for reimagining the current model of care for people experiencing homelessness. Others call for solutions to prevent homelessness. Still, others call for attention with substance abuse disorders, opioids, behavioral health issues, job insecurity, and lack of safe housing to prevent or address homelessness. Regardless of its origins, we live in a world where homelessness is a humanitarian crisis that touches most communities. The speakers will share insights on what’s working, why, and its positive human, social and economic impact. 

    Join us for an interesting conversation with:

    Moderator and SpeakerDr. Tom Allen, MD, Executive Medical Director, Health Service Corporation, and Chief Psychiatrist, BCBS Medicaid- Illinois and Fellow, IOMC

    Mark G. Mulroe, JD, MBA-HMPresident, A Safe Haven Foundation 

    Raul GarzaMBA, President, Institute of Medicine of Chicago and Billings Fellow, IOMC

    Dr. Kiran Joshi, MD, MPH, Senior Medical Officer, Cook County Dept. of Public Health and Fellow, IOMC

    Dr. Tariq Butt, MD, Vice President, Health Affairs, Access Community Health Network

    Lee Rusch, MA, Director, West Side Heroin/Opioid Task Force

    Guest Speaker: Neli Vazquez Rowland, Co-Founder and Immediate Past President of A Safe Haven Foundation, and Billings Fellow, IOMC 

    Download agenda here> 

    Download flyer here>


  • 11 Apr 2023 8:46 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Of more than 580 000 individuals in the US who experience homelessness on a single night, estimates suggest that more than half have a mental illness or substance use disorder and at least 1 in 5 have severe mental illness. 

    Limited mental health care for this population forces individuals into emergency departments, where they are frequently boarded or discharged to the street, generating high spending and dismal outcomes. Pandemic-induced closures of social services and psychiatric beds have exacerbated harm. People experiencing homelessness with mental illness face alarming rates of incarceration, discrimination, chronic disease, suicide, and premature death. This is intolerable—and preventable. [JAMA Network]

    ...provides an urgent opportunity to implement community-based care options, reimagine institutionalization, and finally build a functional continuum of care for those experiencing homelessness and mental illness.

    Download PDF of full article here> 

    Full article here> 

    Attend IOMC's program on Integrating and Building Lives- From Homelessness to Self-Sufficiency on April 20th - 8-10:00 AM CT. More details and to register here> 


  • 10 Apr 2023 7:59 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    In 2020, in 7.6% of all households, children were food insecure.1 Childhood food insecurity is associated with adverse outcomes, including anxiety, depression, poorer diet quality, higher rates of diabetes and obesity, and lower academic performance.2-4 The purpose of this survey study was to compare current trends (2015-2019) in chronic food insecurity with trends from 20 years ago (1999-2003). [JAMA Nework]

    Download PDF here.


    Figure 1 shows that almost half of the 12.1% of families that ever reported food insecurity from 1999 to 2003 experienced at least 1 additional wave of food insecurity (5.3% of all families). From 2015 to 2019, 4.5% of all families reported food insecurity in all 3 waves, more than doubling the rate from 1999 to 2003 (2.1%). Low-income families with children experienced higher levels of chronic food insecurity compared with other families from 1999 to 2003 (8.8% of low-income families with children vs 2.1% of all families and 3.7% of all families with children). Chronic food insecurity was even higher from 2015 to 2019 (10.9% of low-income families with children vs 4.5% of all families and 4.8% of all families with children).

    Of the 31.2% of all families who reported NHFS status in at least 1 wave from 2015 to 2019 (Figure 2), 59.3% reported NHFS status in at least 1 additional wave (18.5% of all families). Among low-income families with children, only 33.1% always reported high food security, with 25.0% of low-income families with children never reporting high food security during the period.

    Alhough the PSID has shown lower cross-sectional rates of food insecurity compared with the benchmark Current Population Survey across time, it remains the only nationally representative, longitudinal panel data on food security collected, to our knowledge.6 Although the HFSSM is used in both surveys, the PSID-based trends of chronic food insecurity could be underestimated.


  • 7 Apr 2023 12:25 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Internal medicine remained one of the most popular specialties for Illinois medical students pursuing residency. [Health News Illinois] 

    All students in Rush Medical College’s graduating class matched into residency programs. Thirty-six percent of fourth-year medical students will stay in Illinois for residency. Out of its graduating class of 133, 39 students will work for hospitals in and around Chicago. 

    Over half of Loyola University Chicago’s Stritch School of Medicine matched students will stay in the Midwest for residency, with 14 percent of matched students working at Loyola University Medical Center. Stritch also celebrated its first Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient to achieve a joint M.D./Ph.D.

    Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine has 32.7 percent of its matched students remaining in Illinois for residency. Specialties that drew the most students included internal medicine, pediatrics, OB-GYN, anesthesiology and general surgery.

    Thirty-five percent of fourth-year medical students at Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University matched into Illinois programs. Psychiatry, internal medicine, family medicine and anesthesiology were the top specialties.

    Illinois is the most popular residency location for University of Illinois College of Medicine students, with 51 staying at the university. Most matches pursued internal medicine, psychiatry, emergency medicine, pediatrics and diagnostic radiology.

    Roughly 20 percent of matched students at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine will be staying in Illinois. Internal medicine, anesthesiology and psychiatry were the top three specialties.

    Over 40 percent of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine’s matched students will remain in state. Family medicine was the most popular specialty, followed by emergency medicine. Internal medicine and pediatrics were tied for third.


  • 6 Apr 2023 5:44 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    Department of Public Health Director Dr. Sameer Vohra told lawmakers Wednesday the agency is looking to create a “unified vision” for the state’s healthcare system coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. [Health News Illinois]
    He told the Senate Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee that their proposal is a commitment to responding to the lessons learned from the pandemic, including the need for unity among the various health agencies across the state.
    “(The) budget is an important step in building a unified vision for health that will make the health of every community in Illinois stronger,” Vohra said.
    The plan includes steps Vohra laid out in an appearance before the House last month, including a $45 million investment in the health data system around infection control and long-term care facilities as well as $7 million to enhance public health communication.
    The budget also calls for an $8.5 million investment to help the agency identify and quickly prevent the spread of new and emerging illnesses.
    The plan designates $18 million to ease access to reproductive healthcare, including the creation of a navigation hotline, training to increase the number of abortion providers and a consultation program for high-risk patients.
    In other business, Vohra said they continue work on the community health worker program, which includes drafting rules and looking at some of the best practices across the country.
    “One of the many lessons around COVID-19 was that we need to be able to create the community-led and community-built solutions," Vohra said. "They'll be sustainable and they'll be targeted towards what the community's needs are because they know their communities better than than anybody."
    Finding which solutions will work best in each community remains a challenge, he said, as something that works in Chicago may not work in a downstate community like Effingham.
    Last year, lawmakers passed long-term care rate reform, and Vohra said the rollout is making "some good progress."
    “We meet with the industry regularly, we're meeting with our different advisory boards on that issue, to try to deal with the circumstances as best as possible,” he said. “It continues to be an incredible priority for our agency.”


  • 5 Apr 2023 5:34 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

    The Illinois Senate approved various healthcare proposals last week, including one to implement recommendations made earlier this year in the children’s behavioral health blueprint laid out by Gov. JB Pritzker’s administration. [Health News Illinois]

    The bill by Sen. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, would establish a centralized intake portal that can provide families guidance and referrals to state and community-based programs for which they are eligible. The plan would create a navigator assistance program and lay the foundation for an effort to provide annual mental health screenings to all K-12 students in the state.

    “The importance of this roadmap to appropriate treatment cannot be overstated,” Feigenholtz said in a statement after the vote. “This work is transformative and will be a game changer for children's behavioral health in Illinois.”

    Lawmakers also approved legislation by Sen. Laura Fine, D-Glenview, that would create repercussions for employees found to not have reported incidents of resident abuse or neglect at state-operated mental health facilities. Fine said her plan comes after staff members at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in Anna were reported to have abused patients. 

    “It is the responsibility of the state to protect our most vulnerable from abuse and neglect,” Fine said. “This legislation will be an important tool to deter further atrocities from taking place.”

    The chamber also passed a bill by Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, that would make professional licenses for home health, home services and home nursing agencies valid for 240 days, rather than 120 days. It would allow new agencies to receive a provisional license for up to 90 days, with a goal of offering services on demand for thousands of patients who require in-home critical care.

    “The need we have in Illinois for healthcare professionals that can support families with a loved one in need of in-home care should be addressed, and that’s what this bill does,” Aquino said.

    And lawmakers approved a bill from Sen. David Koehler, D-Peoria, that would allow individuals to bring legal action against healthcare providers that knowingly or intentionally use their own reproductive cells without the patient’s informed written consent.


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