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Long COVID Risk Has Dropped Since Start of Pandemic

29 Jul 2024 9:29 AM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

Your chances of developing long COVID have significantly decreased since the pandemic began, offering a glimmer of hope and a sign of progress in the ongoing battle against the virus. [Medscape]

That's according to a new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, who conducted the study, said that the drop was caused by vaccinations and changes in the virus itself. 

"You can see a clear and significant difference in risk during the delta and omicron eras between the vaccinated and unvaccinated," Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at the VA St. Louis Health Care System and head of the research and development service, said in a statement. "So, if people think COVID is no big deal and decide to forgo vaccinations, they're essentially doubling their risk of developing long COVID."


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