A Safe Haven Foundation is producing its 2nd Annual Global Virtual Run/Walk To End Homelessness! We can’t be together in person but now we get to invite people from around the world to join the fun and focus on the mission! It will be the most fun and impactful event to help the homeless, ever!
Unfortunately, the need to help raise awareness to support the homeless has never been more urgent, because around the world, COVID has caused the homeless numbers to rise at an alarming rate. Proceeds will go to support helping to prevent and to transform lives from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose. Special pre and post-event live shows, interactive Charge Running course app, Registration required!
Kids can sign up for Free To Run Or Walk, Too!
Sign Up Here: IOMC Team: 2nd Annual Global Virtual Run / Walk to End Homelessness (runsignup.com)