November 12, 2021
Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know About
Cannabis Therapy in the 21st Century
Virtual Meeting
12:00 PM CT - 1:30 PM CT
A confirmation is sent immediately upon registration with the virtual link for the day of the event, if you do not receive it, please contact us at iomcstaff@iomc.org.
Complimentary - Open to all
Post-Election — In the 19th century, cannabis was the most common ingredient in the American pharmacopeia. Park-Davis, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck prepared digestible and topical medicines for prescription. By the 1930’s; however, a nefarious political agenda, grounded in an inert economy and racial and ethnic bias, passed the Marijuana Tax Law, ushering in decades of needless cannabis prohibition and a famous war on drugs.
Fortunately, the exploration of exogenous cannabinoids and discovery of the endocannabinoid system, combined with an informed public, have reconceptualized cannabis as a harm reduction (rather than gateway) substance that restores homeostasis, treats countless diseases and conditions, improves psychological health, secures sleep, and manages pain.
Though cannabis remains on DEA Schedule 1, reserved for dangerous drugs with no medical value, it is fully or partially legal in 53 states and D.C., rendering 88% of the U.S. population eligible for cannabis therapy. Persons over 65 account for the highest increase in rate of use and studies indicate their most pressing concern is the inability to secure information and guidance about cannabis from their providers.
By attending this virtual session with expert representatives, you will:
- Identify with the subtleties surrounding dosage and consumption of a plant-based medicine, including the significance of the relationship between patient, provider, and producer of the medication
- Learn the experiences of a practice in which the desired treatment is designated as illegal by the federal government and not subject to payment by insurance; and
- Appreciate the range of therapeutic application of cannabis for patients of all ages and the critical need for continued research in both practice and pharma.

IOMC is a 501c3 Nonprofit organization.
Thank You to Our Sponsors


Sponsorship opportunity- download the sponsorship brochure here.
Questions? Contact us at iomcstaff@iomc.org or call us at 312.709.2685.